Published inCoinmonksAttention as Currency: How DistrictOne on Blast previews the future of workI’m about to take you through a journey into a corner of the internet that few have tread, but one that I think provides a microcosm of…May 12, 2024May 12, 2024
Published inCoinmonksExplain ve(3,3) tokenomicsApplying ve(3,3) tokenomics has become standard for DeFi protocols looking to both attract liquidity while also retaining long term…Mar 26, 2024Mar 26, 2024
Published inScalingForeverLevels of Fidelity: Why Writing Stuff Down MattersWe all have things we want to accomplish, but when we try to put our ideas into action, they rarely happen the way we imagined. There…Mar 21, 2021Mar 21, 2021
Good Engineer/Bad EngineerThis format and content is based on Ben Horowitz’s classic “Good Product Manager/Bad Product Manager” and the many inspired pieces that…Nov 4, 20202Nov 4, 20202
How to Love Writing TestsTestingI’ve heard many developers say they “don’t have time to write tests.” But most of the time that’s a fallacy, because not writing tests is…Oct 5, 2020Oct 5, 2020
Distractions vs Deep WorkEveryone talks about how we’re “more distracted than ever” and how “deep work is more important than ever.” The term “deep work” was…Sep 19, 2020Sep 19, 2020 101 — How it works and it’s meteoric riseThis opinion piece was written on July 27th, 2020. All content is based on my own research and is my own opinion. I do not represent any…Jul 27, 20201Jul 27, 20201
Published inScalingForeverThe Marshmallow Test & Why You Like to Sabotage YourselfOne thing I’ve noticed that consistently separates ok and good performers from top performers is their ability to sabotage themselves by…Jul 24, 2020Jul 24, 2020